Our Motto

Igwe Bu Ike!

IUMK has embraced the motto Igwe bų ike “Unity is Powerful” as a symbol of the mutual support and appreciation that members extend to one another.


IUMK has embraced the motto Igwe bų ike “Unity is Powerful” as a symbol of the mutual support and appreciation that members extend to one another. This motto reflects our belief that unity is essential in navigating both challenging and joyful times. We understand that true unity can only be achieved when individuals experience emotional, social, and psychological well-being.

The vision of IUMK is to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation of Igbo cultural heritage, particularly among our children and the wider community. Additionally, we are committed to contributing to the broader Milton Keynes community by promoting education, entertainment, and nutrition. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance the physical, emotional, and social well-being of all individuals involved.